Thursday, November 25, 2010

7 Keys To Successful Marriage

  Keys To Successful Marriage

You brothers and sisters, you should know the truth and the truth will set you free. No marriage is problem free. God have been using me to saved many marriages at the verge of their broken. You can also live happily with your spouse again if only you are ready take my advice seriously.  

Don’t look marriage as a contract rather is a divine institution established by God, the union between man and woman. “He that fine a wife fines a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord God” A man said to me “I don’t love my wife anymore, feeling of love just isn’t there. How can you love when you don’t love?” if you experience any of this then, you are in the right place. kick the devil out of your marriage completely today.   
     I want you to do the following things your spouse and your see her reciprocate her LOVE to you like the first time you meet her. Do you still remember what you did to get your wife to fail in love with you? Can you still remember those words? Are ready to follow me? Let us GO.
1.       Starting treat her like queen. “What did you just said?”   You hear me cleanly, just 
          treat her like queen.
2.       Buy her presents like flowers , gift card and tell her “I love from the bottom of my 
3.       Take her out for a romantic weekend, and tell how beautiful she is.
4.       Cherished her and tell her how important she is in your life. Minute 
5.       Listen to her. Women need attention like children. Hear her out patently.
6.       Lear how to feel her and tough her frequent. Kiss her without number.
7.       Recognize and commerce on any charge. If she put on new cloths or do her hair.
          or she buy something new in the house.
                                “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, MY CASE IS DIFFERENT”  I understand, yours is no different Just follow the instructions and it shall be well with you. 

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